What is Kundli or Horoscope Chart
Kundli or Horoscope chart
Kundli or Horoscope is an astrological chart used to predicts one’s future It is created based on the planetary positions at the time, date and place of one’s birth.
It is used to analyze one’s personality traits, life events, health, wealth, relationship and more. The chart also shows how they can influence one’s life. By studying the chart, one can gain insight into their past, present, and future.
Furthermore, one can use the chart to make informed decisions about their life and to gain insight into the lives of others.
A kundli and horoscope chart is composed of several parts, including the Ascendant, the Houses, and the Planets. The Ascendant is the sign of the zodiac which was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of one’s birth and therefore is the most important part of a horoscope chart. The houses are the chart which represent different aspects of one’s life such as money, career, relationship, and health. The planets represent the energies of the solar system and how the affect our lives. All of these parts together form a complete picture of the influences around us and how they interact with each other.